Why the face loses weight, reasons and what to do to make cheeks appear

Many women envy those with a thin face and choose their haircuts in such a way as to make their face thinner. However, there must be a golden mean in everything. An excessively thin face also needs to be corrected with a haircut. In addition, often a thin face is also elongated. And she also needs to choose the right haircut in order to correct excessive elongation. Fortunately, professional stylists can correct almost any defect in appearance by choosing the appropriate haircut and fashionable coloring. In this article we will look at which haircuts are ideal for those with a thin face.

Why doesn't my face lose weight?

Typically, chubby cheeks and a double chin are directly related to fat deposits on the body. The higher a person's weight, the thicker their face. As a rule, this part of the body is one of the first to lose weight. With an integrated approach to the problem of excess weight, cheeks and double chin disappear by themselves.

However, it also happens that due to the individual characteristics of a person or other factors, the face remains fat even with a slender figure. Among the reasons why the face does not lose weight are the following:

  • Round, square or pear-shaped face type. These are human genetic characteristics that can only be completely corrected by plastic surgery. Such people are advised to choose hairstyle, makeup and accessories that can smooth out their shortcomings, since they will not be able to lose weight in their face and cheeks to the desired result, despite all their efforts;

  • Improper daily routine and lack of sleep. Chronic fatigue causes the face to become “swollen.” The point here is not at all about adipose tissue. Edema occurs due to fluid retention in the body, which is provoked by lack of sleep;
  • Failure to maintain water balance. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Otherwise, the fluid is retained in the tissues and leads to swelling;
  • Health problems. Sometimes a “swollen” face is a symptom of serious illness. It can indicate problems with the cardiovascular system, kidneys, endocrine and ENT diseases. To exclude such a pathology, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Thus, before looking for ways to lose weight in the face and cheeks quickly at home, a person with normal weight should understand the reasons why the face is not losing weight.

How to lose weight in your face and cheeks quickly: proper nutrition and diets

The main factor influencing a person’s weight, and therefore the shape of his face, is nutrition. Therefore, those who do not know how to lose weight in the face and cheeks quickly at home should reconsider their diet. At the first stage, you can choose any of the diets for weight loss, depending on the time frame and how many kilograms you need to get rid of. There are extreme weight loss methods that can help you lose up to 10 kg in a week. You can read more about them here.

For those who do not want to force their body and are afraid of the consequences of sudden weight loss, you can consider the Maggi diet, the -60 system, intuitive eating or intermittent fasting.

The best advice on how to lose weight in your face and cheeks quickly is to eat right. It is advisable to make it a way of life. In the future, this will allow you to never have to deal with excess weight problems again. Its essence comes down to a complete rejection of harmful foods, such as alcohol, fast food, baked goods, sweets, fatty and fried foods, and replacing them with healthy foods. The diet should include fruits and vegetables, boiled, stewed or baked meat and fish, cereals, dairy and fermented milk products. You can find a huge variety of recipes for healthy eating on the Internet.

For those who are looking for ways to lose weight in their face and cheeks quickly, it is important to follow a drinking regime. It is best to drink plain purified water. You can read more about the effect of water on the human body and its beneficial properties here.

What should you avoid?

When choosing haircuts for a long face, there are certain conditions that must be observed so as not to lengthen it even more.

Must be avoided:

  • root comb;
  • volume in the crown area;
  • long straight smooth curls combed back;
  • ponytail hairstyles;
  • straight or slicked strands;
  • very short haircuts “like a boy”;
  • torn curls;
  • straight parting, it only visually emphasizes the disproportionality of the shape;
  • high buns, bouffant;
  • African braids, they open the forehead and cheekbones to the maximum;
  • ultra-short bangs, such strands create unnecessary contrast to the length of the oval.

Exercises for losing weight on your face

Regular physical activity helps speed up the process of getting rid of extra pounds. Since it is possible to quickly lose weight in the face and cheeks due to general weight loss, the basic exercises will be no different from those recommended for weight loss. In particular, these are running, jumping, jumping squats, cycling, walking up stairs and other cardio exercises.

There are also specific exercises for losing weight in the face that will help you get rid of fat in this area:

  • Inflating and deflating cheeks. This exercise should be repeated several times a day for 2-3 minutes. Having puffed out your cheeks, you need to pause for a couple of seconds, then deflate them;
  • Rolling of air in the mouth. Having taken a mouthful of air, you need to roll it from one cheek to the other, and then to the upper and lower lips. You need to stay in each position for a few seconds. This exercise for losing weight on the face should be performed throughout the day at any opportunity;
  • Exercise “O-u-i”. For 2-3 minutes you need to pronounce the letters “O-u-i” while tensing the facial muscles as much as possible and fixing them in extreme positions;
  • Move the lower jaw from side to side, holding it for a few seconds at the extreme points;
  • Place your palms on your cheeks and move them up and down, alternately lifting and lowering the skin of your face.

It is advisable to do all these exercises for losing weight in a complex manner, several approaches a day. In combination with proper nutrition, they will certainly help with the question of how to lose weight in the face and cheeks quickly at home.

Nourishment for filled cheeks

The condition of the subcutaneous fatty tissue has an important influence on the contours of the oval of the face. Because of this, she must be in good shape. To do this, you need to eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible. It is also worth excluding foods that cause the destruction of fiber, such as coffee, sweets, tobacco, and alcohol.

Make your skin sensitized

So, here are some tips to hide the unhappiness without further irritating the epidermis! Prefers hypoallergenic, fragrance-free, essential oil-free, paraben-free, nickel-tested products and, if possible, sunscreen. Brushes are great for a professional result, but repeatedly going over hair on sensitized skin can further irritate and cause dandruff. If your redness is very localized, a correction stick that is always green will be more effective. If your skin exhibits redness on the cheek, avoid red-toned reds and go for shades of peach, coral, or even a veil of sun powder. Once your makeup is finished, spray thermal water on your face to correct your work and soothe your skin.

  • Apply all your products to color with light pressure, fingers or a sponge.
  • If your skin sees red, apply a green background to your face.

You will definitely push your hands too much, or rather your fingers on your face.

Often, even with a satisfactory condition of subcutaneous adipose tissue, a grayish tint to the skin gives a visually excessive thinness to the face.

To avoid this unpleasant factor, you should take a course of vitamins and minerals.

They should apply gentle pressure for the sole purpose of preventing the formation of fine lines while performing the exercise. They go to use your fingertips during eye exercises, such as limiting the formation of crow's feet when you tend to lower eyelids. Only this year on the forehead, after execution, they may leave fingerprints on the skin. In this case, more pressure is needed to be able to prevent the formation of horizontal and vertical wrinkles between these eyebrows.

Hands are used to combat facial wrinkles that form in the starting position of many exercises. Example: when she holds her lower eyelids, she trains the round muscles to have large and light eyes. During this tension, crow's feet are formed, which contrasts with the gentle pressure of the indices.

Skin dehydration has a negative impact on the condition of the oval face. In order to avoid this, you need to drink about 2 liters of clean water a day.

When choosing drinks, it is better to give preference to green tea and natural juices. Sweet and carbonated drinks should be excluded from the diet.

How to make your face lose weight: procedures in salons and at home

One of the ways to lose weight on your face is through cosmetic procedures. The salons offer the following services for these purposes:

  • Mesotherapy. It is a subcutaneous injection during which a substance is injected that helps activate all processes at the cellular level. This procedure will help remove excess fluid and destroy fat deposits;
  • Laser lipolysis. This is one of the most effective ways to lose weight in your face and cheeks quickly. The procedure is carried out using a special device. Infrared waves break down fat deposits, radio waves activate skin tone, and vacuum massage helps improve blood circulation. The procedure is safe and painless, and its effect is long-term;
  • Face massage. This method of how to make your face lose weight can be done not only in a beauty salon, but also at home. It is based on enhancing the outflow of lymph and increasing the intensity of blood flow, as a result of which cells are renewed and fat deposits are reduced.

An excellent way to lose weight in your face and cheeks quickly at home are special masks that you can prepare yourself. Before using them, it is important to make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the solution. The mask is applied to clean, steamed facial skin, previously cleared of cosmetics. We recommend using one of the recipes below:

For maximum results, masks must be used in a 10-14 day course. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply moisturizer to your face.

All methods of how to lose weight in the face and cheeks quickly are most effective when used in combination. A combination of proper nutrition, physical activity, facial slimming exercises and cosmetic procedures will help get rid of chubby cheeks and a double chin and give your face the desired shape.

Author: Olga Vasilyeva. Photo: Instagram, StarTikTok, YouTube. If you are the author of one of the photos and do not agree with its publication, contact the administration and we will correct the error.

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