Is it possible to enlarge lips with tattooing: features of the technique

Permanent tattoo and fillers: Two in one. Method of combining these methods

December 9, 2010 Irina Home page » Information about tattooing

Permanent tattoo and fillers: Two in one. Method of combining these methods

Aesthetic correction methods used by cosmetologists when working on the shape of the lips have both their pros and cons. Permanent tattooing allows you to work with shape and color in a plane, while fillers (gel-like preparations, usually based on hyaluronic acid) only work with volume, modeling and leveling it. A good master can achieve unique results by combining these two techniques. The main thing is to observe the measure. Correcting the shape of the lips using permanent tattooing gives excellent results if a woman has naturally plump lips. In other cases, temporary fillers are used to achieve the effect. The combination of these drugs with permanent tattooing allows you to radically change the shape of your lips, completely transforming your face. Artists who combine these two methods often wonder what to do first: contouring with fillers or permanent tattooing. From a technical point of view, the order of these procedures does not matter; they can be done in any sequence. But to obtain an aesthetic effect, it is first better to correct the shape of the lips using a tattoo, and then begin modeling their volume with fillers. Permanent tattooing is done for two to three years, but sometimes for a longer period. The effect of temporary fillers ranges from several months to a year, depending on the viscosity of the drug and the depth of its injection. Then the fillers dissolve. If you correct the shape of your lips based on the injected filler, after six months the result may be disastrous. The volume created by the “gel” will go away, and when the original shape of the lips returns, it may well turn out that it is asymmetrical. The master will have to make the correction again. Thus, if the patient has not done any of these procedures yet, it is better to start with permanent tattooing. It happens that to obtain the desired result, permanent tattooing is quite enough. Immediately after this procedure, the lips look swollen, and a woman, looking in the mirror, can imagine how her lips will look with the “gel” and understand whether she needs it. But there is a category of women who are simply indicated for lip correction using fillers. Take, for example, such a cosmetic flaw as too thin lips.

Stage No. 1: working with shape and color

With the help of permanent tattooing, a beautiful lip contour is outlined, clear and symmetrical. In some cases, it may go beyond the natural contour of the red border, increasing the volume of the lips, but not more than 2 mm, in order to avoid the impression of unnaturalness. If further correction of the lips is necessary using the introduction of temporary fillers, then the contour can be increased a little more. The next stage is shading. Using this technique, a cosmetologist achieves an even lip color, shading the edges with a darker color. Thus, the volume increases visually even more. To prevent lips enlarged with fillers from attracting too much attention, you do not need to choose a very bright pigment. So, with the help of permanent tattooing, we achieved a beautiful shape of the lips, gave them a richer color, and restored symmetry. However, you should not immediately proceed to the next stage - volume modeling. After tattooing, the skin should completely recover, this will take about a month. Only then can fillers be injected.

Stage No. 2: working with volume

With the help of fillers, you can achieve a variety of effects: create an appetizing swelling, enlarge the inner part of the lips, fill “gaps” in the corners, making the facial expression softer. The use of fillers is especially successful when one lip falls inward. They also allow you to lift the drooping corners of your mouth. Filling the nasolabial folds with these products changes the shape of the mouth: its outer edges rise slightly, the lips stretch a little, and the facial expression changes. The introduction of fillers into the upper lip allows you to smooth out vertical wrinkles, which are often grouped in this area in women in adulthood. Using this technique, experienced professionals can even create a new, neat ridge along the red border along the edge of the upper lip, which will look natural. The introduction of temporary fillers gives amazing results. However, it is very important not to get carried away and stop in time so as not to provoke overcorrection, when the lips almost turn outward. As a rule, after applying fillers, the pigment on the lips becomes a little lighter and does not look so dense. This is quite natural, because by increasing the volume of the lips, we stretch the skin a little. If this confuses a woman, then after introducing the “gel” you can again resort to permanent tattooing by re-shading.

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Tattoo procedure

Tattooing involves injecting a natural dye into the upper part of the epidermis with a needle. You can ask the artist to draw only the outline, making the lips more symmetrical and clear, you can do a full tattoo, giving the desired shade, you can visually enlarge the lips, using dye to move their outline a little further than natural. Direct indications for permanent makeup:

  • narrow lips;
  • asymmetry and unclear shape;
  • pale inexpressive color.

If you want to spend less time on everyday makeup and want your face to be expressive without decorative cosmetics, then tattooing will be your salvation.

The procedure corrects the shape of the lips, makes them fuller and allows you to avoid visiting a plastic surgeon. It is carried out in beauty salons and does not require complex and lengthy special preparation. If your body has a low pain threshold, the specialist can administer local anesthesia.

When is a repeat procedure necessary?

In most cases, correction is a mandatory component of a competent tattoo. The fact is that the initial work, for many reasons, is accompanied by various defects, which do not always appear through the fault of the specialist. The client needs a repeat procedure in the following cases:

  1. Wrong shade. Even if in the first minutes the tone seems perfect, after a couple of hours flaws will be noticeable. First of all, this concerns color. The skin at the treatment site is very sensitive, so it quickly becomes inflamed. Because of this, the shade changes to a brighter one, and neither the master nor the client immediately sees what the result will be. Thus, even deeply tinted lips will no longer look so. As a result, it turns out that the paint did not take at all or, on the contrary, became too bright.
  2. Uneven coloring. Due to the too high sensitivity of the skin of the lips, the specialist may under-treat some areas of the epidermis. The tattoo in these places will be too faded, and sometimes completely absent. It is easy to make such a mistake in reddened areas, so you need to be prepared for it. When working, the light spaces are painted on, because the specialist knows how much pigment to take this time.
  3. Fuzzy outline. Sometimes it does not swim immediately, but after some time. It looks like smeared lipstick or a running pencil. At the same time, the work can be done absolutely competently and efficiently. The individual properties of the body do not allow the result to take hold. However, such a defect can be easily corrected by choosing a skin tone pigment.
  4. Unskilled craftsman. There are cases when, in pursuit of cheapness, a client turns to an inexperienced specialist or even to charlatans. Then there is the opportunity to get a tattoo in incredible colors, ranging from blue to purple. After the epidermis has healed, you should contact another specialist who can replace the unnatural colors with another pigment.

Contraindications for lip tattooing

In addition to medical and aesthetic indications, permanent lip makeup has its relative and direct contraindications, like any procedure that concerns artificial changes in your body.

Indirect contraindications are allergies, pregnancy and immunodeficiency.

Tattooing may be unsafe for allergy sufferers. The dyes used are tested and non-toxic, however, and they can provoke an allergic reaction of varying degrees. Before the procedure, it is better to test the pigment on the skin.

It is logical for a pregnant woman not to test her body with procedures that artificially change her appearance. It is unknown how your body, which is responsible for fetal development, will react to pigments and injections. Therefore, such make-up should not be done without direct evidence.

The immunodeficiency virus makes any cosmetic procedures, including tattooing, unsafe for the patient and for the people around him in the salon - the artist and other clients.

Direct contraindications if you want to do permanent makeup:

  • frequent inflammatory processes on the lips;
  • dark spots;
  • progressive herpes virus;
  • the presence of scars on the lips;
  • low blood clotting;
  • serious oral problems, diseases and bleeding gums;
  • taking specific medications;
  • exacerbation of diabetes mellitus.

Categorical contraindications to tattooing are the presence of tumors of various etiologies in the body, epilepsy, as well as other serious diseases of the central nervous system.

Medical indications that indicate the need for lip tattooing are allergic reactions to decorative makeup, the inability to use makeup due to hand tremors and very low vision, and correction of a cleft lip.

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