Intralipotherapy with Aqualix in the fight against local fat deposits



Duration of the procedure:

25-50 min.

Number of procedures:

4-6 (depending on individual characteristics)


from 5,500 rub.

Recovery period: no

Drug: Aqualyx


When injected into adipose tissue using the intralipotherapy technique, Aqualyx® ensures the absorption of fluids by the tissues. With the subsequent external influence of ultrasonic waves on the site of drug administration, the phenomenon of microcavitation (destruction of fat cells) occurs, which enhances the outflow of organic fluids contained in adipose tissue.

This protocol, called cavitational adipocytolysis, is used for non-surgical treatment of the above conditions. The effect is especially effective on the upper-lateral areas of the thighs (the so-called “breeches”), the internal areas of the knee and thigh.

Main areas of application of the drug

Most often, the drug is injected into those places where fatty deposits are present:

  1. Lower part of the face in the area of ​​the double chin.
  2. A man's breasts with a condition called gynecomastia.
  3. Dorsal folds.
  4. Buttock area.
  5. Stomach.
  6. The inner and lateral surfaces of the thighs, as well as the so-called “breeches” area.
  7. Lipomas.
  8. "Widow's" hump.
  9. Inner part of the arms.
  10. Patellar region.

Of course, most often patients want to remove a sagging belly and wide hips.


Aqualyx® is a biocompatible, fully absorbable microgel aqueous solution for the treatment of lipohypertrophy and subcutaneous fat hyperplasia, as well as bull's hump in HIV-infected patients. The drug is used in conjunction with the cavitation adipocytolysis protocol, which involves the use of ultrasonic waves from an ultrasound transmitter located on the surface of the skin.

Before administering the drug, the injection site should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Despite the established good tolerability, the amount of Aqualyx® in one administration session should not exceed 40 ml (or 25 ml per specific anatomical area).

When administering Aqualyx®, only intralipotherapy should be used.

When tissue is infiltrated with Aqualyx® solution, the use of mesotherapy or other injection techniques is NOT ALLOWED.

If necessary, 0.2 ml of pure lidocaine (without adrenaline or other substances with a vasoconstrictor effect) can be added to each bottle of Aqualyx® solution. Objective data obtained from clinical studies indicate that periods of 15 days or more should be maintained between administrations of Aqualyx®.

The injection of the drug should be carried out slowly, using special needles for intralipotherapy. This allows you to achieve good distribution of the solution in the tissues and avoid injury.

After administering the appropriate amount of the drug, a special gel that conducts ultrasonic waves is applied to the surface of the skin. The effect of ultrasound continues for a certain period of time, which is determined automatically, depending on the corrected area of ​​the body, in accordance with the program of the Sonolyx ultrasound generator (cavitation adipocytolysis using Aqualyx® solution) with continuous movement of the ultrasound sensor over the surface of the skin.

Between sessions of administering the Aqualyx® solution, additional treatment of the corrected areas with ultrasonic waves is allowed, but without injection of the drug (the so-called “dry cavitation”).

In order to maintain the achieved results, it is extremely important to inform and remind the patient about the need for regular clinical examinations, starting several months after the end of the course of treatment.

What is Aqualix?

Injections with Aqualix are an effective injection procedure that replaces liposuction. The action of the drug is aimed at reducing body centimeters by burning fat deposits. At the same time, the lipolytic does not damage the skin and muscles. The lipolytic effect lasts 15-20 days after injection.

The procedure for non-surgical removal of fat cells using the drug Aqualix is ​​called intralipotherapy. This is the most innovative technology for body correction using injections. The drug breaks down fats into glycerol and fatty acids, after which they are excreted from the body. Today, Aqualix injections have no analogues.


The use of Aqualyx® is contraindicated in all cases, with the exception of the conditions listed in the INDICATIONS FOR USE section. Aqualyx® solution is an injectable medicinal product indicated for use in the above conditions in aesthetic medicine, surgery and dermatology in the treatment and correction of local defects in the form of small accumulations of excess adipose tissue. Like other injectable medications, Aqualyx® should be administered only to healthy patients, in the absence of acute or chronic skin diseases in/around the corrected area. In order to prevent complications, the drug should not be used in patients with a history of anaphylactic or serious allergic conditions, in the presence of serious organ or system pathology, including autoimmune diseases, as well as in pregnant and lactating women.

The essence of intralipotherapy

Traditional methods of losing excess weight do not always help cope with the problem of local weight loss. In these cases, injections using drugs that have a lipolytic effect have worked well.

Subcutaneous administration of these agents triggers the breakdown of fat reserves in problem areas. Specially developed components are capable of destroying the membrane of lipocytes, causing their dissolution and rapid elimination through natural liquid media.

Thanks to the local effect, intralipotherapy makes it possible to perform liposculpture - correction of body contours until a pronounced aesthetic effect is achieved. Such results are almost impossible to achieve with even the most strict diet and exercise routine.


Aqualyx® should NOT be injected into tissues/anatomical areas other than adipose tissue or areas of localized fat accumulation. Otherwise, the drug should be administered clearly within the boundaries of these areas. DO NOT inject the solution into the skin, muscle tissue, blood vessels, parenchymal organs or body cavities.

The drug CANNOT be administered if the thickness of the subcutaneous adipose tissue layer is less than 1.5 cm.

It is PROHIBITED to mix and/or add other substances to the drug.

Estimated price of Aqualix injections

The price of 1 intralipotherapy session depends on the area being corrected and the amount of substance administered. 1 ampoule of Aqualyx weight loss injections costs about 80 USD. Once opened, it is not subject to storage and is paid for in full even if partially used.

Processing areaCost of 1 session, USDCourse cost, USD
Small local deposits160-240480-720

Methods of local correction of fat deposits are not a way to lose weight in the generally accepted sense. This is modeling of individual “difficult” areas, the so-called “fat traps”. Aqualix is ​​an innovative drug that differs from meso-cocktails in its deep action and quick visible results. Intralipotherapy is a worthy alternative to hardware targeted weight loss at a more affordable price.


As with all drugs administered through the skin, the use of Aqualyx® solution carries a risk of infection. This may be due to injection of the drug into an area with an active inflammatory or infectious process, or improper cleaning and disinfection of the injection site. Particular caution is required when using the drug in persons with hemorrhagic manifestations and/or blood clotting disorders, as well as in patients taking anticoagulants. In these cases, while using the solution, there is a high probability of bleeding or localized bruising.

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Before administering Aqualyx®, the patient should be provided with comprehensive information about indications, contraindications and the possibility of treatment-related reactions.

In addition, the patient should be aware of the possibility of stopping treatment at any time upon his first request.

The patient should be informed that for 12 hours after injection of Aqualyx® solution, no cosmetics should be applied to the treated area of ​​skin (unless the doctor specifically requests this). In addition, after the drug administration session, it is necessary to protect the treated area from exposure to direct heat sources, for example, sunlight, UVA or UVB rays, heat from heating devices, visiting a sauna, etc.

Treatment should be carried out by a qualified specialist trained in the injection technique of intralipotherapy.

Any unused material remaining in the syringe after an Aqualyx® injection session should be properly disposed of to prevent cross-contamination if accidentally administered to another patient.

If the storage conditions of the drug are not observed or if it is frozen, use is PROHIBITED. The patient should be instructed to immediately contact a doctor if any changes occur at the injection site.

Composition and mechanism of action of the drug

The intralipotherapy drug aqualyx is available in 8 ml bottles. It is a water-helium, colorless or slightly pinkish solution. This unique drug for effective non-surgical liposuction with a unique injection technique is considered the “gold standard” for patients with normal body weight. Its main component is sodium deoxycholate salt, additional components are galactose polymers, saline solution and a small amount of lidocaine (a drug used for local anesthesia).

The action of sodium deoxycholate is to reduce the tension of the adipocyte cell membrane with its subsequent dissolution. Destruction of the cell leads to the release of enzymatic mitochondrial and lysosomal cellular structures, as well as fatty acids and triglycerides, into the intercellular space. This activates lymphatic drainage. The breakdown products of adipocytes and the metabolic products accumulated in them enter the liver through venous and lymphatic flow and undergo further transformations or are excreted from the body with bile and urine. Destroyed fat cells are not restored.

The action of the active component begins immediately and lasts no more than 5 minutes. But thanks to the helium form, the deoxycholic acid salt bound by galactose is released gradually. Therefore, the effect of one procedure lasts about 3 weeks, after which the result is assessed and a decision is made on the need for repeated administration. In order to eliminate the “double” chin, 2 procedures are carried out; for different areas of the body (depending on the area and volume of deposited fat), 3-5 procedures of aqualyx injection can be performed with a three-week break between injections.


Aqualyx® can be stored at room temperature, provided the room is sufficiently dry. Do not freeze. Keep out of the reach of children.

The physician must ensure that the product can be traced further. This means that the physician must be able to monitor the patient who has been treated with Aqualyx®. It is recommended to attach a drug label to the patient's medical history or other document.

The product should be used only as directed. The manufacturer disclaims any responsibility for harm or damage caused to the patient due to other and/or improper use of the drug. The user is solely responsible for determining the suitability of the drug for use under given conditions, especially in cases where they are not indicated in the instructions.

Intralipotherapy with Aqualix - Photo Before After

You can sign up for an intralipotherapy procedure with Aqualix in St. Petersburg A bonus for you will be a free consultation with a cosmetologist on the day of the procedure!

Skin care after

Rehabilitation after manipulation lasts 10 - 14 days. At this time it is necessary:

  • avoid any overheating, that is, postpone visiting the bathhouse, solarium, beach, or hot bath until later;
  • Avoid swimming until the punctures heal;
  • wear compression garments for a week;
  • drink up to 2 liters of water per day, do not eat fatty, spicy, salty foods;
  • give up sports and hard work;
  • After 4 - 6 days, do a hardware lymphatic drainage massage.

Possible complications

Immediately after administration of the drug, the skin turns red, a burning sensation, itching appears, and a little later - swelling. But these are just side effects that do not require additional measures to eliminate them. Intralipotherapy can also lead to complications:

  • infection in the correction area, formation of phlegmon;
  • loss or increase in its sensitivity;
  • deep hematomas;
  • unevenness on the skin caused by the proliferation of connective tissue and the appearance of compactions.

The cause of problems is incorrect technique for administering the drug, failure to comply with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis during the procedure, ignoring contraindications and rehabilitation conditions.

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