An educational conversation with a presentation on the topic “Teenage Body Care”

Facial skin care for teenagers. What to do with problem skin for a teenager

Puberty activates the sebaceous glands, causing pimples and acne.
How to deal with this? Cosmetology products with string, sage, lemon and linden will help you heal. They tighten pores, remove shine and normalize the condition of the skin. Washing with cool filtered water tones and strengthens the skin. A person with rashes needs careful care. First of all, they are prepared for long-term treatment over several months, since not a single miracle cure will help to quickly get rid of problems. Teen skin care depends on the stage of the disease. If there is a small amount of acne, a special washing gel is selected for oily skin. Wipe off with a disposable paper towel so as not to spread germs all over your face.

If there are more than 20 pimples, this is the middle stage of the disease. It requires mandatory cleansing with special anti-acne preparations.

At the third stage of the disease, skin care for a teenage girl differs from the procedures for a boy. Girls are prescribed topical antibiotics and oral contraceptives, since acne may be caused by male hormones. This treatment is not used for boys.

Problematic skin of a teenager

Care for combination and oily skin

Teenagers with oily skin use a special cleansing gel and additional care balms twice a day. Treat the problem area with acne with a solution of 2% salicylic acid using a cotton swab. Therapeutic cosmetology methods for skin problems have a good effect. Small rashes are treated with lotions and tonics, but not constantly, so as not to dry out the skin.

Care for dry and normal skin

Basically, preparations for adolescents under 18 years of age are designed to cleanse the face. This can be a gel or foam for washing. They are used in the evening. In the morning, wash with plain water and dry with a towel with light movements without pressure. On dry and normal skin, rashes are rare and do not need special attention. Increased sensitivity forces you to use an infusion of medicinal chamomile instead of water.

Teen boy skin care. Teen skin care

Activities for caring for the skin of a teenager should be carried out taking into account the physiological changes in the body, the individual characteristics of the skin and be age appropriate.

The transition period is characterized by the following basic changes:

  • Significant restructuring of the endocrine system
  • Increased amount promoting cell division
  • There is a rapid renewal of the lower layer of the epidermis with a stable course of keratinization of the upper layer of the skin, which leads to a decrease in the protective functions of the skin layers with high permeability.
  • These factors cause the penetration of bacteria into the dermis and the occurrence of inflammatory foci.
  • Excessive sebum secretion contributes to the formation of blockages of the sebaceous ducts and the appearance of comedones, inflammatory or purulent rashes.

Main areas of care:

  • Thorough cleansing of the skin - cleansing the skin twice a day should be mandatory to prevent inflammatory processes.
  • Gentle moisturizing - any skin, including oily skin, needs products that moisturize the skin. In this way, protection from the influence of the external environment occurs and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.
  • Drying and anti-inflammatory procedures - soft scrubs in the absence of contraindications and masks help to properly care for the skin.
  • Protection from the effects of environmental factors - the use of preparations with protection from ultraviolet radiation in the summer and nutritional preparations in the autumn - winter period will relieve irritation and peeling of the skin, prevent dryness and premature development of facial expressions.

Hoping to get rid of annoying pimples safely over time is imprudent, since this can be a fairly long period of time, and complications can also arise in the form of scars, skin unevenness and depression.

If you have problem skin or acne, you need optimal skin care:

  • Cleansing
  • Hydration
  • Nutrition
  • Sebum control

Cosmetics for teenagers are developed taking into account the needs of the skin during this period:

  • All products used do not contain oil.
  • Additional substances that facilitate care, extracts of medicinal plants, vitamins B, A, C, E, F are used
  • The use of special drying agents - camphor, boric acid, alum, coline, borax, salicylic acid, talc, zinc and magnesium oxides
  • The composition does not contain alcohol - it provokes increased sebum secretion and can cause redness and irritation of the skin

Cosmetics help soothe and restore the skin and have a pronounced effect of narrowing pores.

To prevent the formation of scar tissue, the composition must contain anti-inflammatory and biologically active components for regeneration and increasing the protective properties of the skin, such as azeloic acid, bisabol.

Exfoliating masks are the only way to deeply cleanse skin with acne.

It is necessary to purchase cosmetics for skin care in pharmacies or specialized stores.

Cosmetics for teenagers

When choosing skin care products for teenagers, it is important to first determine the type of epidermis and the existing problems. The basic facial care program includes:

  • Washing. It is important to clean your face using mild products; under no circumstances should you use regular soap. It is best to give preference to gel or special foam. If you have excess oil and acne, purchase a product for oily and problematic epidermis.
  • Toning. It is advisable for teenagers to use tonics that do not contain alcohol. These are gentle products that will not dry out the epidermis and provoke excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Protection and hydration. To moisturize the skin, it is necessary to use creams that meet the needs of the epidermis. It is desirable that they have an SPF filter, providing protection against ultraviolet radiation.

An experienced cosmetologist will help you choose the best products to care for teenage skin. Medicinal ointments and other medications can only be used after consultation with a dermatologist.

Cosmetics for problem skin

Nowadays you can find a huge number of skin care products on sale designed to treat skin rashes. Some of them are even combined into series and have been successfully used for many years by teenagers all over the world. Among such cosmetics for the care of problem skin:

  • Normaderm line from the Vichy brand. This series for problem skin contains a number of basic and additional products that will help eliminate rashes and other cosmetic troubles. In particular, it includes gel and tonic products, lotions that perfectly tighten pores, as well as scrubs and special sticks for local application. The series even includes foundations. As a result of using the products, within four weeks the skin becomes noticeably healthier, cleaner and more beautiful. Redness disappears, the problem of excess fat goes away, and radiance appears.
  • Line Pure skin ACTIVE from the brand Garnier. This is a fairly budget-friendly series that is great for caring for problem skin, including teenagers. Some products in this line contain antibacterial components that help eliminate acne and prevent the formation of new ones. Regular use of products from the series helps smooth out the skin and eliminate small scars and blemishes. These products include a scrub with exfoliating properties (it contains absorbent charcoal), a special cleansing gel with a miracle brush, a cream moisturizer with mattifying properties, and a toner that helps reduce breakouts.
  • Advantage line from the brand Clean&Clear. This series is often recommended for teenage skin; it has remarkable cleansing qualities, as it contains a number of components that can neutralize the inflammatory process, remove irritation, and also achieve calming and softening of the epidermis. In addition, this care series prevents the spread of rashes over the surface of the skin. It contains a daily gel cleanser, as well as a gel with an applicator for topical application to acne. Also in this line there is a rather gentle scrub.
  • Ducray line from t. m. Keracnyl. This series was developed by French specialists for skin care during adolescence. Its effectiveness is explained by the presence in the composition of a number of acids that fight acne, as well as the absence of all kinds of aggressive components, including dyes and parabens. The line of products helps reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, cope with clogged pores and eliminate inflammatory processes. It includes a gentle gel cleanser with acids, special cleansing water, and a light caring facial cream with regulating and restorative properties. In addition, the series includes a scrub mask and a corrector for local application.

Of course, using series for teenage skin care has its advantages. After all, products from the same line perfectly complement each other and do not conflict with each other.

How to choose a cream?

If everything is more or less clear with cleansing and toning products, then buying a moisturizer often raises a lot of questions among parents of teenagers. You need to choose the right tool:

  • Those with a normal type of epidermis can use different moisturizing formulations that are quite light for young skin. It is desirable that they contain various useful components, in particular, wheat sprouts, honey, healthy oils, yeast, etc.
  • For oily epidermis, it is better to give preference to products with anti-inflammatory components. This role can be played by herbs, for example, chamomile, calendula or yarrow. Of course, the cream should be light and not provoke an increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Rarely dry skin needs proper hydration. For it, you can purchase a cream with different oils, for example, tea tree oil.

Under no circumstances should you care for teenage facial skin using creams for adults - with hyaluronic acid, collagen and other components of anti-aging cosmetics. Of course, it is very important to apply cream formulations only to previously cleansed skin.

Foundation for teenagers

All girls and young people are terribly embarrassed about their problem skin and many really want to disguise it with foundation. But the use of such a remedy in adolescence has a number of features. In particular:

  • You can’t use your mom’s or girlfriend’s cream. At the very least, this is unhygienic and is fraught with the spread of infection. In addition, someone else's foundation can look completely foreign on the skin or clog it heavily, causing new acne.
  • Liquid foundation can be suitable for owners of any skin type.
  • Girls with problematic epidermis are better off giving preference to liquid products that are based on salicylic acid.
  • For dry skin, a compact oil-based product is more suitable, which will help additionally nourish and protect the epidermis.

Of course, the choice of foundation tone plays a very important role. It should be exactly the same as the skin or a little lighter. This product should be applied approximately half an hour after using a regular moisturizer.

Powder for a teenager

Beauticians warn that dense compact powder can clog pores and lead to skin rashes. Therefore, this remedy is not particularly recommended for teenagers. It is possible to use powder with hydrocapsules, which may be suitable for owners of different types of epidermis. It is believed to provide additional hydration to the skin.

To disguise acne, it is better for teenagers to use a special product - concealer or corrector. In the lines of many companies there are special antibacterial green pencils that do an excellent job of this task.

Regardless of the chosen cosmetics, young skin must be cleansed of it in the evening. If foundation, powder or other products are left on your face all night, the risk of acne will increase several times.

How to take care of a teenager's face to avoid acne. Caring for problem skin of a teenager

To ensure that self-care for a teenager’s problematic facial skin does not harm, but rather improves the condition and appearance of the skin, it is important to carry out the following procedures:

  • cleansing;
  • toning;
  • hydration;
  • nutrition;
  • treatment.

Particular attention should be paid to cleansing. For the procedure, products must be selected strictly according to skin type and its condition. Cleansing is carried out using gels and foams without alcohol, aggressive components, with a neutral pH. It is advisable that cleansers contain plant extracts. They relieve inflammation, promote healing and restoration of the epidermis, and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

After cleansing, apply a toning tonic or lotion. If there are growths on the face that are characteristic of this skin type, you can treat them with an antiseptic pencil or gel with a drying effect. This type of care will speed up the healing process.

If there are neoplasms on the face of teenage boys or girls - acne and pimples, care should also include treatment. Pharmacy products based on salicylic acid have proven themselves well. It penetrates deeply into the skin, removes excess fat, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and kills bacteria that cause the formation of such defects.

Please remember: Squeezing pimples, blackheads and other growths is prohibited. Such actions not only will not solve the problem, but will also worsen it and provoke the appearance of new defects.

How to care for oily skin as a teenager?

Most teenagers have oily skin. To reduce oil production, it is important to know what facial skin care products you can use at this age.

Girls and boys 12-17 years old should wash their face every morning and evening using a cleansing gel for oily types. Experts recommend treating your face with a 2% solution of salicylic acid 2 times a day.

Daily care is almost the same as for problem skin. To wash, you need to use boiled or distilled water. This type does not need moisturizing, but a nourishing cream should be used to provide it with useful substances.

Mattifying products - gels, creams, tonics and lotions - should always be in the arsenal of caring cosmetics for teenagers. Girls in adolescence begin to use decorative cosmetics. Mascara and lipstick of a neutral color will not harm, but it is better to avoid foundation. It clogs pores and causes acne and pimples.

What care does dry and normal skin require?

If the skin is dry or normal, facial care for teenagers should be minimal:

  1. In the morning, just wash your face with water using a special gel or foam, and pat your face dry with a towel.
  2. In the evening, cleanse with a cleanser for dry or normal skin.
  3. To avoid the feeling of dryness and tightness on the face, use mineral water for washing.
  4. After washing, it is useful to rinse your face with chamomile infusion or micellar water.
  5. At night, it is recommended to apply a cream for dry or normal skin with a moisturizing effect.
  6. Use a scrub once a week, but only if there is no inflammation on the face.

Normal and dry teenage skin is not prone to breakouts, so no additional care is needed.

If you have already crossed the line of adolescence, then you will be interested in facial skin care in your 20s. Find out how to choose the right products for young skin.

A little about skin type

In order to properly purchase skincare products for a teenager, it is important to understand the type of epidermis:

  • Most young people have oily skin, which is explained, as we have already said, by hormonal changes. In this case, an oily sheen will be visually noticeable on the face by the second half of the day. Enlarged pores are also visible on the skin; they easily become clogged, becoming blackheads, or become inflamed, turning into inflamed acne. This type of epidermis needs especially careful care. We will tell you how to care for problem skin below.
  • Quite often there is also a combined type of epidermis, in which the above problems are limited to the T zone, and the rest of the skin appears normal or dry. In such a situation, you need to take special care of problem areas. It is important to protect normal or dry cheek skin from overdrying.
  • It is much less common for teenagers to have normal skin that is not prone to oiliness and acne.
  • Also considered quite rare is the dry type of epidermis, in which areas of peeling often appear on the face. Also in this case, an obsessive feeling of tightness is possible. The main problem of dry skin is insufficient hydration, and this can be dealt with using specially selected skincare products.

Many parents believe that cosmetics are not needed at all during adolescence. But properly selected creams, washes and toners help to avoid acne or eliminate it, which is very important for the health and self-esteem of a teenager.

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